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Unbeatable™ Podcast

Discipline and Self-Mastery with Commander Divine

By November 18, 2020 2 Comments

In this solo episode, Commander Divine talks about how discipline and self-mastery are essential to developing an unbeatable mind. See how you can apply these practices and thrive in this current VUCA crisis.

Learn how:

  • Discipline is essential for ensuring a desired behavior.
  • The ancient stoic philosophers understood that there needs to be moderation in everything, even in moderation.
  • You can access the six pillars of physical health—including recovery, community, and time in nature.

Listen to this episode to gain a greater grasp on the discipline necessary to achieve your own self-mastery.

The Unbeatable Mind coaching certification program is taking applications right now. This program is invaluable for leadership of all kinds, both business, coach, consultant or manager. It will also be essential if you are interested in starting either a full-time or part-time coaching business. The next program starts soon, so to find out more, go to

You’ve probably already heard Mark extolling the virtues of the PowerDot to help with recovery. They now have a version 2.0. The PowerDot is an electrical stimulation device that allows you to increase performance, speed up recovery and overall achieve a deeper mind/body connection. Many stim devices can be clumsy and hard to use, but the PowerDot 2.0 achieves simplicity and is very small so you can take it with you when you travel. It is being used by professional athletes from the NFL, NBA, Tour de France among others. It is also used by Special Operator Forces.
Listeners to the podcast, can save by using the code UNBEATABLE at checkout for 20% off the regular price of the PowerDot system.

During these times we’re all experiencing unprecedented stress. To help decompress, Mark recommends the BiOptimizer magnesium supplement. Magnesium is a major component of body chemistry and is responsible for many biochemical reactions. So you can supplement with Magnesium Breakthrough, the supplement from BiOptimizer. You can use it for 10% off because you are a listener. Go to and use the code unbeatable10 at checkout.

Listeners to the podcast, can save by using the code UNBEATABLE at checkout for 20% off the regular price.

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Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • David L. Brandon says:

    #excellent Well done Mark!

  • John says:

    I love how there is so much value in this episode. I have followed Mark for years and my personal journey has been profound really. I love how even if it’s just a slight different angle of the same thesis from the earlier years of unbeatable mind… For me it gets deeper and simpler. Simple is hard but clear and that is a good thing and if it gets me to that ah ha moment…that next bench mark… I guess that’s why there is no there there…we keep training and learning and growing and laughing. Thank you so much Mark.

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