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Unbeatable™ Podcast

Staring Down the Wolf: Respect

By September 18, 2019 March 4th, 2020 No Comments

“Being respectable requires doing the daily work of emotional awareness, and not judging or comparing your efforts or results to others.” – Mark Divine

The Unbeatable Mind Experience is the opportunity for you to train in person with Mark and other Unbeatable Mind instructors, and to experience physical, mental, and emotional training in person. You will have a chance to learn under the same conditions as Spec Ops and SEAL candidates in an unforgettable environment of sea and sand. To find out more, go to

In this solo episode, Commander Divine talks about Respect and the key to earning it from your own team as a leader.  Focusing on the three essential character traits for Respect:

  • Integrity-honestly and internal consistency backed by strong moral compass
  • Authenticity- being “I” and “We” vs “me” and “them”
  • Clarity- explicitly communicating what outcomes are expected and desirable

Don’t miss this episode to learn about how respect is essential to lead and how it can be earned.

As you guys know, Mark has been using Halo Sport for the last year and half and he has loved it. Halo Neuroscience revolutionized human performance when it debuted Halo Sport in 2016, the first brain stimulator that accelerates muscle memory development. Halo Sport is now trusted by teams and athletes from the U.S. military, Olympics, MLB, NBA, NFL, NCAA, and more.

Well they just launched Halo Sport 2 – a fully upgraded Halo Sport at a lower price making this revolutionary technology more accessible to all. It’s fully wireless and has excellent sound quality. It also has an upgraded app with new stimulation data and tracking.

It makes neurostimulation accessible for all with its price point in line with other headphones at $299 and available to pre-order now.

Just go to and use code DIVINE and get an additional discount. Using DIVINE will ensure you get the lowest price available.

The product will ship in June so go now to Code DIVINE

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