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Unbeatable™ Podcast

Best of 2020: Errol Doebler

By December 23, 2020 No Comments

For the week of Christmas, we’ll be airing our best episodes of 2020 a second time. We start with new episodes again on the 30th with a solo episode from Mark. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas.

In the second part of his interview with Errol Doebler (@Leader_193), Mark and Errol talk about work with the FBI SWAT teams and his breathing practices with Wim Hof. Errol is the author of the newly released The Process, Art, and Science of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire Confidence and Clarity in Combat, in the Boardroom, and at the Kitchen Table. He tells Mark about his work finding his own leadership philosophy from the different kinds of work that he’s done.

Hear how:

  • The practice of breathing properly is the basis of learning how to lead.
  • You’ll always need to make a plan when you’re confronted with a situation.
  • You must understand the role of the SMAC process in planning.

Listen to this episode to hear more about Errol’s approach to planning and leadership.

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