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Unbeatable™ Podcast

Best of 2020: Eliot Marshall

By December 26, 2020 No Comments

For the week of Christmas, we’ll be airing our best episodes of 2020 a second time. We start with new episodes again on the 30th with a solo episode from Mark. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas.

Eliot Marshall is best known as a successful MMA fighter, but today he talks to the Commander about his business endeavors and the story behind his first  book “The Gospel of Fire: Strategies for Facing Your Fears, Confronting Your Demons, and Finding Your Purpose.” Eliot has repeatedly struggled with depression and anxiety and he tells us how our mind has the power to drive us to accomplish incredible achievements and to manage and prosper.

  • “The Obstacle is the Way” – use your challenges to learn new things and build yourself up.
  • The Unbeatable Mind and Eliot’s approach are very similar in a number of ways – including knowing your “why”
  • Using teamwork is essential to accomplishing your goals

Listen to this episode for a very practical example of how to turn difficulty into prosperity

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