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Unbeatable™ Podcast

Best of 2019: Gabby Reece

By December 24, 2019 No Comments

For Christmas week, we’ll be re-airing the best episodes of 2019. Today we present Mark’s interview with Gabby Reece. In the new year, we’ll be starting with new episodes again. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas!

“I really loved the notion of people getting together and being better than they could actually be individually.”
– Gabrielle Reece

Gabrielle Reece is a world-renowned athlete, TV personality, New York Times bestselling author, and model. Together with her husband Laird, they launched a new all-encompassing fitness program called XPT. Find out what she has to say on parenting as an athlete, training, business leadership and so much more.

Hear how.

  • Business leadership is about knowing and being willing to learn from others.
  • Gabby’s understanding of parenting is that kids can’t really be compelled to do things, even things that they’re good at.
  • As you get older, training is as much or more about maintaining physical ability as it is about elite performance

Listen to this episode to get an inside look at an elite, athletic life.

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