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Unbeatable™ Podcast

Best of 2018: Michael Gervais

By December 24, 2018 March 13th, 2019 No Comments

For Christmas week, we’ll be re-airing the best episodes of 2018. Today we present Mark’s interview with Michael Gervais. In the new year, we’ll be starting with new episodes again. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas!

“You’re being coached, literally, on your mind by Olympians and sports psychologists about how to be more. And let the doing flow from there.”
– Michael Gervais

Michael Gervais is a renowned expert in high-performance psychology, best known for his work with the Seattle Seahawks, the Red Bull Stratos team, and with several Olympic athletes as well. He understands the power of our minds to accomplish the extraordinary first hand. He talks to Commander Divine about the importance of mindset and especially mindfulness to creativity and high performance.
Learn about:

  • His new company with Football coach Pete Carroll in coaching for business called “Compete to Create.”
  • How he made sure to call mindfulness “training” rather than “meditation” for professional football clients
  • His outlook and insights on Luke Aikins of Red Bull skydiving without a parachute

Michael Gervias specializes in high performance mindset training and whether you are an athlete, a weekend warrior, a business exec, entrepreneur or a stay at home parent, listen to this interview to improve your performance in everything.

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