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Unbeatable™ Podcast

Best of 2018: David Goggins

By December 25, 2018 March 13th, 2019 No Comments

For Christmas week, we’ll be re-airing the best episodes of 2018. Today we present Mark’s interview with David Goggins. In the new year, we’ll be starting with new episodes again. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas!

“I became obsessed with you have to make this right. And the only person who can do it is yourself. So I became obsessed with just being obsessed.”
– David Goggins

David Goggins  is extremely well known both for his military career and as an extreme athlete. In 2013 he set the record for pullups completed in 24 hours at 4025.He and the Commander talk about how he managed to evolve himself from a very difficult childhood by exercising his tremendous will. Learn how mental toughness is a lifestyle and how he does everything he doesn’t want to do to stay tough.

Hear about:

  • His first 100 mile running race and how it changed his life
  • How he went from the Air Force, to hunting cockroaches, to the SEALs by force of will
  • His latest plans are to become a “Smoke Jumper,” wildlands firefighters that parachute into remote areas to fight forest fires

Learn Goggins’ secrets to super-human determination in this podcast.

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