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October 1, 2020

Changing how you inhale and exhale could help reduce coronavirus anxiety

Some doctors are prescribing a breathing technique nicknamed “box breathing.”

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Unbeatable™ Podcast
June 20, 2017

Chris Jericho, professional wrestler and rock star has realized his dreams by being True To Self

    This week welcome Chris Jericho to the Unbeatable Mind podcast.  A highly successful…
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Unbeatable™ Podcast
July 20, 2016

The Hendels, father and son, talk about Crossfit and their upcoming competition at the Crossfit games

"But it's fun. It's a challenge. I meet it head on and it's a good…
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Unbeatable™ Podcast
July 6, 2016

Tony Wrighton and the importance of internal and external dialogue to keep you in the right frame of mind

  "And on the days that I didn't have any fun, my energy levels were…
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Unbeatable™ Podcast
June 1, 2016

Wesley Chapman and how to help kids achieve and succeed

Commander Mark Divine interviews Wesley Chapman. Wesley started his entrepreneurial career during a troubled childhood…
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Unbeatable™ Podcast
February 17, 2016

Mark Sisson Talks About His New Book and Becoming a Fat Burning Machine

Commander Mark Divine speaks with author, athlete and primal lifestyle-guru Mark Sisson about how to train…
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Unbeatable™ Podcast
February 5, 2016

Jesse Ventura Former SEAL, WWF Wrestling superstar, Actor, Biker, and Politician talks with Commander Mark Divine Part 2

Part 2: This episode will uncover one side of the Chris Kyle Controversy and leave you…
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Unbeatable™ Podcast
February 5, 2016

Jesse Ventura Former SEAL, WWF Wrestling superstar, Actor, Biker, and Politician talks with Commander Mark Divine Part 1

Part 1: DO NOT MISS this captivating interview with one of the most interesting SEALs…
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