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Unbeatable™ Podcast

The Way of the SEAL: “Embrace the Suck”

By March 21, 2018 March 24th, 2018 8 Comments

“Do today what others won’t so you can do tomorrow what others can’t.”

—Smoke Jumpers’ Creed

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In this solo episode, Mark dives deeper into the new version of his book “The Way of the SEAL” to focus on doing today what others won’t and forging mental toughness. “Do today what others won’t so you can do tomorrow what others can’t,” is the Smoke Jumper creed. Commander Divine applies the Smoke Jumpers creed to all aspects of life. He then provides some practical insights on how to foster mental toughness in yourself, so that you will be able to perform in an exceptional way more easily.

Hear how:

  • Commander Divine learned to “embrace the suck” in his SEAL training thanks to an “evil” instructor pushing him to his limits
  • Understand the difference between good and bad pain, so you’ll know when to push through, and when you need to rest
  • You can use very practical methods to engage in good “mind control” of yourself

Listen to this podcast to learn how you create Discipline, Drive and Determination to do more.

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Transcript & Shownotes

Hey Folks, this is Mark Divine with the Unbeatable Mind podcast. Hope you’re doing well. Thanks for joining me today on this awesome day. And I hope you are forging your Unbeatable Mind.

Today we’re going to be doing a solo cast. No interview subjects today. No one subjected to my silly questions. We’re going to instead penetrate “The Way of the SEAL.” Got a 5th anniversary edition of that book coming out on Memorial Day. And as a run-up I’ve been doing a little bit of riffing on some of the principles. So today I’m going to look into principle 4–do today what others won’t, and principle 5–forge mental toughness. And I’ll read a little bit and then we’ll also just discuss some insights about this.

Before I begin, if you haven’t heard we’re trying–not trying–do or do not, there is no try. We are raising money and awareness for veterans who are suffering from Post-traumatic Stress. Our goal is 22 million burpees. And a minimum $250,000 raised. That money will go through the Courage Foundation, to support directly veterans who are struggling.

And there’s over 20 some-odd a day committing suicide. Last I heard the number was 22, that’s why we chose 22 million burpees. So go to to check it out.

You can actually participate in a few ways. 1) You can join my team. And pledge a certain number of burpees and or pennies or cents per burpee. I’ve committed to 100,000 this year. So I’m cranking out 300 a day. And I’m donating 10 cents a burpee, so that’ll be $10,000.

Many people are donating a penny a burpee and doing 50,000 or 20,000 over the course of the year.

Or you can put together a team and just commit to a number of burpees on one day. Or however you want to do it. There’s a lot of different ways, as I’ll explain at This is a yearlong initiative, until we hit our 22 million burpees. Cause we got to do something. It’s unsat that we just haven’t been able to solve this.



All right. “Do today what others won’t. Do tomorrow what others can’t.” Classic, classic smoke jumper creed. I just did a podcast, by the way, with David Goggins who’s a Navy SEAL well known for his intense endurance events. 100 mile runs, no problem. Has a world record for the number of pullups in 24 hours. I think he did 4700. It took him 3 times to try it. Breaking his arms in the process. Just an insane guy.

And he’s going to be a smoke jumper. So he’s applied, there’s about 400 smoke jumpers. “Hot Shots” they’re called. Who train to parachute behind enemy lines, so to speak. When fire breaks out in the wilderness. They haul all their gear in, and then they set up firewalls and fire-breaks and clear the burn area and whatnot. Pretty intense.

So Goggins totally exemplifies this principle of “Do today what others won’t,” which basically means “get hard.” Be hard.

And suck it up. And do things that are uncommon and do them in a way that is the crawl, walk, run. Especially if you’re new to this, but just do something that’s uncommonly hard every day. For you.

And it’s uncommonly hard for you, chances are really good, it’s going to be uncommonly hard for someone else. Get used to hard. And the rewards it brings are extraordinary, because we grow through hard work.

Anyone familiar with the SEALs of course, have heard of Hell Week. Training is 24 hours a day for 6 days. Get a total of 4 hours of sleep on Thursday, and that’s really just a mind screw.

You’re freezing cold most of the time. Wet and sandy. Incredibly uncomfortable.

So it’s an uncommon level of challenge that SEAL operators go through when they go through Hell Week. And I’m not asking you to go through that type of challenge, but if you can do today what other’s won’t, and do tomorrow what others can’t, then eventually you will be able to do that level of work. And that’s what a lot of people come to our 50 hour Kokoro camp for.

The 20X Factor


In order to do that, to begin this, we have to realize that we’re capable of so much more. We call it the 20X Factor. And that’s kind of a metaphor or a way of thinking about this idea of we’re capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit for. But unless we challenge ourselves, we’ll never find it. We’ll never find that 20X.

Let me read you a section from Chapter… principle 4 actually. Do today what others won’t. Quote “You guys are capable of at least 20 times what you think you are. Now get off your sorry asses and hit the surf.” Lieutenant Zinke yelled. We jumped up and ran back to the surf zone for the umpteenth time. It was Tuesday night of Hell Week. As we locked arms in the surf zone, Zinke shouted “Take Seats!’ We sat arms locked, backs to the surf. Buffeted by the water, shivering uncontrollably we held each other close in the hopes that some warmth would transfer.

One of my teammates began to sing the national anthem, which raised our spirits a bit. I set my sights on getting through this evolution. I couldn’t think beyond this evolution. It’d be too overwhelming. One at a time” I thought. “I can do this. Piece of cake.”

Right next to me, my swim buddy Swanson turns to me and says, “Man, this sucks.” Just breathe deeply and visualize yourself on the beach in Hawaii” I joked.

That’s what I was doing and it sure made me feel better. Even if I was kidding myself.

Swanny and I made it through that night, but the class lost another 10 trainees. And as Thursday rolled in, there were about 30 of us left with 2 days to go.

Though my exhausted and sleep deprived mind craved rest, I did begin to notice that my body was getting stronger and I felt stronger. “Maybe I really am capable of 20 times more than I think I am. What are my limits?” I wondered.

Well I’m still wondering that to this day. And I’ve repeatedly blown past my own limits and expectations and I’ve seen thousands of others and many of you do the same. Now the SEALs aren’t the first band of warriors to leverage this 20X factor. Ancient Martial arts. Ancient warrior traditions such as the Shao Lin, the Ninjitsu and the Apache. And the Greek Agoge.

So if it worked for worked for warriors, for the warrior class–what do you think it would do for you? Our world has become so soft and material wealth is unbelievable. And some of the statistics on our quality of life today are unbelievable. I’ve often referenced one of my mentors Peter Diamadis and I encourage you to read his book “Abundance.” And it just gives you a sense of how abundant the world is right now.

And with abundance comes softness. So we’ve gotta counter that abundance–we’ve got to appreciate and actually pay for that abundance through tapas, thorough challenge, through effort. Tapas is a Sanskrit word from the yoga tradition that means mighty effort, day-in and day-out. Tapas. Tapas burns off the impurities of your body. Burns through the lethargy in your mind. And helps you to embrace the suck, so that you can do the challenging things every day with a smile on your face.

Do today what others won’t, so you can do tomorrow what others can’t.

What a great feeling that is, to be able to do what others can’t. Now it’s not a cocky or an arrogant thing because hard-core training… when I say hard-core I mean uncommon. Like done every day, and done with a sense of challenge. 300 burpees a day–most people look at that and they’re like, “No way. That’s ridiculous.”

Well, I tell you what it’s not hard when you turn it into a commitment for raising awareness and helping out these veterans. Then it becomes very meaningful. And the hard goes away.

Now the challenge really is in the consistency. I’m in month 2 here, and I’ve done 15,000 burpees total and I haven’t missed a day. Because of the commitment. Now that is doing today what others won’t.

Now what’s it going to allow me to do tomorrow what others can’t? Well, I’m not sure, but a lot of people say I can’t do 100,000 burpees and I’ll say I can, cause I’ve done it.

And I’m not being cocky about that, I’m just saying that’s just the way it is. That’s easy day.

So what are you going to do every day. Goggins… now he puts me to shame… Goggins every morning is out there running 8 to 20 miles depending on his training plan. Then hitting the gym for another hour. Or 2. And then in the evening he spends 2 hours stretching, breathing and thinking. Now that’s a pretty intense training plan.

And that’s if he’s not undergoing some intense event.

And Smoke Jumpers, every day is an intense event. So you got to do today what others won’t so you can do tomorrow what others can’t. It’s not about being cocky, cause this training makes you humble. Training every day in this way makes you humble.

Sop find that 20X factor. When you train like this, like I am with the 300 burpees, I now know that that’s a new normal. 300 burpees a day has become a lot of fun. Now I started with 100 a day back in December. Then I moved it up to 150. And then 200. And when I hit 200 and I did it routinely in December, then it felt pretty good.

And so when I ramped it up to 300 in January–now when I do the burpees, I get to 200 and I feel like I’m just getting warmed up. And I look forward to those last 100. So I might bump it up to 400 pretty soon. Who knows?



In order to really embrace this notion, you’ve gotta commit. You’ve gotta commit. You can’t do something loosely. If I had just said, “Yeah, I’m going to do a lot of burpees this year.” It wouldn’t have worked. I had to have a deeply motivating reason to dive into this. So that’s why it’s important to think, “What am I committing to and why?” And then actually make a commitment. A lot of people who listen to this, and maybe you are included, have set your sights on Kokoro camp or have accomplished Kokoro camp. And that’s our version of… or the civilian version of the Navy SEAL Hell Week.

And it’s a deeply motivating event. It’s 50 plus hours of non-stop physical and mental training just like Hell Week. The only difference is we’re giving you those tools such as the Big 4 skills. And we’re drilling you on them relentlessly so that you own them. And we’re not trying to get you to quit even though roughly 70% of the students who try Kokoro don’t make it their first time. It’s hard. It is capital H hard.

But just the act of committing to it, enrolling in it and training for it. That’s really the main thing. Because now you’ve set the bar pretty high. This is your Everest for the year, or the 18 month period.

And now you’re going to take it darn seriously. The preparation and the planning. And the relentless training, day-in and day-out.

So you’re going to “embrace the suck.” You’re going to embrace the suck of it. Let me read a little bit more from the book, under this “Embrace the Suck” section.

There’s a quote by Winston Churchill, “I am just an average man, but by God, I work harder than the average man.”

That’s embracing the suck. SEAL trainers often say “Pain is weakness leaving the body.” That’s encouraging, this metaphor. But it describes a fascinating alchemy. The transmutation of training induced pain into confidence when performing. Whether that’s on the playing field, the battlefield or anything in life.

Another really a quality saying we had in the teams, used when the going gets tough is “suck it up.” As I did during Hell Week. You can embrace the suck of temporary pain to develop a can-do attitude and to lean into any hard task without wavering or whining.

Now you don’t have to be a superman or super-woman to do this. You just have to endure a little bit of pain, good pain–better than the average man or woman.

So whether we’re talking about mental or physical effort, the first step to embracing the suck is to step up and face your fear of suffering.

Pause here. My 18 year-old son Devon is such an incredible guy. What an amazing spirit this guy has, but he has a fear of suffering. It’s normal. He has a fear of, you know, going away to college, and the suffering… whatever will come with that. The uncertainty, the unknown. That’s a form of suffering.

He hasn’t quite learned yet that suffering is part of life, and so when we lean into the suffering and we take it for granted that it’s going to be there. And we learn how to deal with it by developing resiliency and mental toughness. Then that suffering can be a source of wisdom and joy and perseverance.

You just have to endure that pain a little bit better than the average man or woman.17:27

Back to reading. So we all share that fear which stems from a deep-rooted need for certainty and security. I got those 2 terms from Tony Robbins.

Really interesting. Like, what do we often have this need… people need certainty and they need security. Well guess what? You don’t have either of those in your life. And if you give up your need for certainty and security and learn to be more flexible and create your security through your knowledge and your skills. As opposed to government or some other outside entity. Then that’s where real self-esteem comes from.

Pain is your body’s way of telling you that security is threatened because something is out of whack. Out of balance.

When you consistently experience the personal growth that accrues from deliberately putting yourself out of balance, such as with hard workouts done daily, then you begin to embrace that temporary pain for the rewards that it brings. Fear recedes into oblivion as you embrace the suck.

Each time the instructors at BUD/S pushed me where I thought I could go, the pain at first caused a sensation of fear, which I was skilled at transforming into focused determination. After my mind and body regained balance and I noted that I wasn’t injured or disabled, the experience made me stronger and wiser. There was nothing to fear from the pain but the fear itself.

This has happened repeatedly during the SEALs and it’s become a habit since.

But to be sure, it’s important to understand the difference between good pain and bad pain, so you’ll know when to push through or when to dial it down.

Where’s your red-line? Very, very important. Oftentimes I see SEALFIT trainees in my business SEALFIT really pushing the envelope and over-training. They’re stepping over the red-line repeatedly. And then they get injured or they end up with the effects of overtraining syndrome.

So not only can an exercise or an event lead to an injury right then, but you’ve gotta think about whether your pain is going to lead to long term, integrating health, or disintegrating health. So we want to think of our pain as integrating pain, that’s good pain. Integrating pain is a well-designed workout done consistently. Or training plan done consistently.

When you do it, you experience a little bit of suffering, a little bit of pain.

But you do it with the knowledge and with some skillful means so that that pain leads to pleasure in the end. In the form of a rock solid body. 1000 mile stare. Tremendous confidence and self-esteem. And the ability to get things done. To bring it when necessary. That is integrating pain.

Now disintegrating pain is bad pain. Disintegrating pain is the type of pain that breaks you physically or emotionally. Or psychologically. And doesn’t make you stronger. On the other side of that. It makes you weaker.

So over-training, or lifting too much weight because your ego gets in the way, so that it leads to an injury. I see this all the time in Crossfit and I even got sucked up into that for a while. Led to back injury from me trying to do a deadlift with my back injury that I had when I was 17. When I never got injured in the SEALs. For 20 years.

Then I started doing CrossFit and then I see all these guys doing 400 and 500 pound deadlifts. And I’m thinking, “I should be able to do that.” And sure enough, trying to do that reinjured my back and boom. There you go. That was disintegrating pain caused by my ego getting into the way. And not training smartly.

We tend to avoid pain in all its forms. Many people think it’s bad. My son right now, thinks pain is bad. He hasn’t learned. I’m working on him. It’ll take some time.

I encourage you to continue to avoid disintegrating pain, because we want to stay in the game, stay in the fight. Over the long-term. We’re looking for long-term integrated, functional strength and physical, mental, emotional, intuitional and Kokoro heart/mind integration. And you can’t do that if you’re laying on the sidelines because you’re over-trained or you’re broken.

You can’t do that if you stay in an unhealthy relationship that breaks you emotionally. And you can’t do that if you overuse recreational drugs or alcohol. I’m okay with a drink here and there. I enjoy my wine. But overuse is going to lead to disintegrating pain.

You must lean into the integrating pain and avoid the disintegrating pain.

So acknowledge the value you get from embracing the suck. Acknowledge the benefits, and look for those benefits and celebrate them. And that pain then diminishes quickly as you lean into the hard things. And you find your 20X. Embracing the suck.

The DIRECT Process


Now one thing that really helps me is to focus on the positive and to feed the Courage Wolf. We’ve talked about that quite a bit. Feed the Courage Wolf.

I tell this story in the book about instructor Evil hauling me out of the class on Thursday of Hell Week and basically saying, “I’m going to make you quit. And I’m not going to leave until you do.”

And he had me do 1000 8-count bodybuilders. And essentially that’s a burpee but with your legs going out and in.

So I didn’t even have to get to 1000, because when I got to like 800, I was really just sucking it up and embracing the suck. But I was kind of numb, and I was… I started to go into a little bit of a dark place. And I realized that I had better start changing my attitude quickly.

So I began to feed the Courage Wolf with some positive statements. “I got this. Easy day. Hooyah. Come on, Mark. Let’s go. Get your shit together. Don’t let this guy get you down. Don’t let these burpees get you down. One more. One at a time.”

And so that kind of inner dialogue using the DIRECT process. Detect, Interdict, Redirect, Empower, Communicate and Train.

And then I thought, “Well, you know what? I need to take this up a notch. So let me find some humor in this.” So I just started thinking about all the funny things that this instructor Evil had done and said. And all the instructors. And all the crazy and funny things that we had to do in Hell Week.

And I just started making myself laugh. Started with a smile, and then I was pretty soon just laughing. Like I’d heard the funniest joke ever.

And I looked at Doctor Evil, cause he was looking at me with a puzzled look on his face. Like, “What the heck’s going on? Did I finally snap this guy psychologically? Should I call the van over to take him to the loony bin?”

And I just looked at him and I said, “All right. This is fun. I get it. I’m having a blast here. One burpee at a time.” And I’m just laughing and having good old time. Like in my own little party.

And he starts smiling and he just goes, “Get back with the class, Divine.” And he saw what he needed to see. And he didn’t even require me to finish the last 180 burpees or whatever I had left. He saw what he needed to see. That I could embrace the suck by finding my happy place. And humor really helps find the happy place.

So to kind of cap this up, we need to essentially build what I call the 3 Ds in order to embrace the suck and do today what others won’t. And these Ds are Discipline, Drive and Determination.

And this is how we habituate excellence. And excellence can only be habituated by challenging yourself to do hard things well. And to do the small things when you do those hard things, well.

Actually you can take any hard thing, and break it down into the smallest component parts and you get easy. So just do those smallest component parts well, and all of a sudden you’ve added up to doing an extremely hard thing.

Again, like 300 burpees is nothing if you just do them one at a time. Each burpee is easy. It’s thinking about doing 300 of them that gets hard. 1000 8-count bodybuilders is easy one at a time, when you’re laughing and feeding the Courage Wolf.

So make a habit of excellence by disciplining yourself to do the small things extremely well and to activate the Big 4 skills when you do the small things.

So take a breath. Inhale-exhale. Feed the Courage Wolf. I got this. Easy day. See the win. What’s this look like? Well, I know what a perfect burpee looks like.

And then do it. Take the action. Doubt is eliminated by action. So take the action. What’s my goal? One burpee. Easy day.

So activate those Big 4 skills and just do it one thing at a time. What’s the smallest thing you can do? Discipline yourself to do that every day.

Discipline means to be a “disciple.” to something bigger than yourself, so check in with your why. What is it? If your why is to change yourself so you can change the world, that’s extraordinarily motivating. So take that why and inject it into every little thing you do. And each of those little things adds up to a big thing.

So instead of just showing up and doing your job or getting by, discipline yourself to learn everything you can about the skills you’re developing. Learn everything you can about your own self-nature. Everything you can about how to train your body, mind, emotions. Intuition. Kokoro heart.

Everything you can about building an elite team and conquering your mission. Extraordinary efforts become commonplace and then extraordinary results follow.

Now Drive–Drive is the motivation behind your actions. Where Discipline activates the habit of excellence, Drive is the motivation. It’s that fiery passion. So if you’re doing something you’re not passionate about, forget it, you’re never going to have the Drive to succeed. That’s why we want to make sure that whatever we’re going after in life is both purpose-felt–meaning that it is aligned with our inner narrative of what we’re meant for on this planet. What is it we’re here to do?

And we’re doing that thing in a way that we’re super-passionate about.

The Buddhists call this dharma. What’s your calling? Is another great word for it.

My calling was to be a warrior leader but the vocation that I found was to be a Navy SEAL officer. And that’s because I was passionate about the challenge. I was passionate about working in the most elite unit, in the most challenging situations. In the most dangerous places on earth.

There was something strange about that. Most people thankfully don’t have that as a passion, but thankfully we do have a few people. Those of us, Navy SEALs and Army Rangers, and Special Forces. Green Beanie’s and Air Force Tactical Control Officers and CCTs and Para-rescues. And Smoke Jumpers. There are in many of you, most of you fall in this category–want to challenge ourselves beyond every measure to choose the severest school,

That’s Drive. But if I didn’t have that passion, then I would have found some other way to fulfill my purpose of being a warrior and a leader, right? And many people do. They find it through service or through their business. Through teaching. Or being a great parent.

So drive provides that lifelong source of energy when it’s backed with passion and focused on a worthy end.

And Drive… you have to be wary of Drive, because it can have dark side. If you’re driven solely by “me” reasons, versus “me and we.” What I mean by that is by the ego. You could confuse determination with stubbornness. You could lose sight of balance and the important things in your life.

And you could leave your co-workers, or your families or teams behind. And you could injure yourself by becoming grossly unbalanced and unhealthy.

So you gotta be careful with Drive. Yes you wanna be passionate and driven but not at the expense of your team or your company or your family. You gotta have that effort balanced by a little bit of surrender. The Yin and the Yang.

And then there’s Determination. If Drive is the fuel that keeps you motivated, Determination is the long-view. The long-term commitment. The long game. Long-term commitment to the mission.

So Discipline, Drive and Determination all work hand-in-hand so that you can bring it on and find your 20X factor. And embrace the suck. So that you can do today what others won’t and then do tomorrow what others can’t.

All of this helps us forge mental toughness and emotional resiliency. And just a quick review on mental toughness. I don’t need to go into this at great length cause we’ve got just… it’s such a part of our lexicon at Unbeatable Mind. We’re talking about it all the tie, so I don’t want to get redundant.

Btu what we’re… the key to mental toughness is that it can be trained and it’s imperative to train it. So even those who went to BUD/S and say, “Yeah, I just showed up and decided not to quit.” The reality was there was some formative training that they had. It may not have been formal, but it was some form of training that they had growing up. And usually those guys who just show up at BUD/S and knock it out of the park are… grew up on a farm, or hunting, or even in the inner city where survival was the game. Or they had an extraordinary athletic type mentorship or training.

So through that, they had refined their mind to be able to focus with intensity. They had subtly learned the art of controlling their breathing. They had learned how to see themselves as a winner not a quitter. And they learned how to set appropriate micro-goals linked to a very important goal. And they understood their why.

This is the foundation of mental toughness. Know your why. And then attack it through well-designed and defined tasks that are associated or linked to the target that’s essentially pointed at your why. Or bounded by your why.

But then as you go toward that target every day, doing the small things well. Embracing the suck. You’re going to hit obstacles. Things are going to pop up. In BUD/S training there were obstacles all day long that were designed by the instructors to prevent us from getting to our goal of earning the Trident. And we’ve gotta overcome those obstacles.

In order to overcome those obstacles, you’ve gotta be able to control the things that you can control. And realize that everything else is out of your control. So what’s out of your control is everything outside of your body. You can’t control the weather, you can’t control the instructor. You can’t control whether someone else is going to let go of the log and its going to come crashing down… you can’t control any of that.

But what you can control is your physiology and your psychology. And so you begin to control your physiology through your breathing, and that’s why breath control or arousal control is the first of the Big 4 skills.

We practice box breathing. Daily. Inhale to a count of 5, hold to a count of 5, exhale to a count of 5, hold to the count of 5. You can do it while you’re listening to this. Box Breathing then when we train it like that deliberately, means that it’ll be there for us without the holds when we need it. And the SEALs call that the “Tactical Breath.” Training the Box Breathing gets our physiology in control triggering the parasympathetic nervous system, and learning to calm down and be the one that’s super-calm in the shit storm.

And everyone’s going to look to you for answers because you’re calm.

And guess what? If your body is calm, your brain is going to be calm. Your brain is just an organ of your body. And that allows you to control your attention. So if your brain is spinning out of control, because your body’s out of control and it’s all amped up on stress hormones. Adrenaline and epinephrine and everything like that. And your sympathetic nervous system is on high alert. Then your brain is going to be on high alert, which means your attention is going to be all over the place.

So we start with Box Breathing and the Tactical Breath to get our body, our physiology into control. We can control that no matter what happens. No matter who’s throwing what at us. It’s the first step… first skill. Master skill. Master that and then you can control your attention.

Well, if our attention is focused on something negative, then we’ve got to interdict that. Gotta detect it first. Interdict it. Change it to something positive. Train that positivity. Communicate it to our entire body and our team.

So we use the DIRECT process. Detect, Interdict, Redirect it, and power it with Emotion. Communicate it and Train it. That’s controlling your attention. That’s the subtle art of mind control, but in a good sense. You’re not trying to control someone else’s mind, you just want to control yours.

And through that you can then turn that detect process on your emotional world and develop emotional resiliency. And interdict negative emotions like anger. And transmute that to determination and clarity. Interdict fear and transmute that to alertness. Interdict doubt and transmute it to curiosity. Interdict things like greed and jealousy. Transmute them to contentment and acceptance. And non-attachment.

So that emotional resiliency supports and backs your mental toughness. And they work hand in glove, because emotions are just felt thoughts.

Said another way, a thought tied to an emotion is just how you make meaning out of the energy that you’re feeling in your body.

All of this leads to great self-esteem and optimism. Cause we’re feeding the Courage Wolf, and we’re accomplishing important tasks. And we do it with a team. And so we have great resiliency.

And of course, we want to be able to set effective goals. I talked about that. Goals that are linked to your overarching why or your ethos. And then chunked down to the smallest task possible. So that right now you’re clear on what you’re doing and why. And you can link it to the broader target and goal, which is necessary for mission accomplishment.

And then last but not least–we gotta see the win. So we learn how to visualize powerfully. And we practice that daily as well.

All right folks. Thanks so much for your time today. Really appreciate it. If you like these solo casts, let us know. If you like ’em, I’ll do more of ’em. If you don’t like ’em then I’ll stop doing them.

So let us know. info@unbeatablemind. And stay focused and develop mental toughness and emotional resiliency. Embrace the suck. Forge your mental toughness. Do today what others won’t so you can do tomorrow what others can’t.


See around. Divine out.

Join the discussion 8 Comments

  • Don says:

    I really enjoyed your solo podcast and would like to hear more, please! This topic was very inspiring and encouraging. Thank you!

  • Dalles says:

    I’m really loving the solo podcasts Mark, I’m making some big shifts and your work is a major part of that. I haven’t accessed your books yet but will do so pretty darn soon, keep them coming. Hooyah!!

  • Danny says:


  • howard mims says:

    I just discovered your podcast and am enjoying them thoroughly.
    Do you have any recommendations concerning nutrition for your 54yr old fans?
    Keep up the good work and I will be sure to share the podcast.


  • Heather says:

    Yes, the content you’re providing is amazing, inspiring, and life-saving! If you’re interested in interviewing someone for a podcast, please do, but don’t stop the solo content! I’m working my way through your Foundations Course as well as Kokoro Yoga. This works!!! God bless you all <3

  • JoAnne says:

    Love! So many good points and practical teaching! I really appreciate the personal examples. Thank you for doing this.

  • Chirayu Poundarik says:

    I love the Solo podcasts! Please do more of them

  • James Tuttle says:

    I like the the solos too, plus your guests and all you all have to share with us – THANK YOU! it is forging me into the way I have always wanted to be…

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