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Unbeatable™ Podcast


By November 22, 2017 No Comments

In honor of the Thanksgiving Holiday, we are highlighting our gratitude and inspirational interviews to give thanks.  Lewis Howes on Achieving Greatness, Gretchen Rubin on Motivation, Mo Gawdat on Happiness and Lori Harder on Mindfulness.  Enjoy!

First up is our interview with Lewis Howes  about the struggle to achieve greatness – “And I would say that the biggest jaw-dropping thing is that almost all of the people that I interview were up to big things… And living greatness in my mind… they have such a big heart of service.”

Next is our episode with Gretchen Rubin on motivation – “Well one of the things that I really learned… or I already knew it and I think we all know it, and it really is true, is that you really have to think about your body…”

Third is the interview with Mo Gawdat on happiness – “That’s what I did with happiness. I basically decided that the only way for me to understand how to get myself out of where I am is to look at it as an engineer.”

Finally, we present the interview with Lori Harder talking about mindfulness –
“Now you could be doing something so amazing for your body, but if your mind is not aligned, you’re going to find a way to go back to that baseline of what you truly believe and sabotage yourself.”

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