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Unbeatable™ Podcast

“Staring down the Wolf”

By June 26, 2019 March 4th, 2020 3 Comments

“Leaders and teams get stuck at a plateau and can’t recognize it because they’re inside the bottle and can’t read the label.” – Mark Divine

Commander Divine reveals his newest book, “Staring Down the Wolf”.   Many listeners will be familiar with the symbol of the Fear Wolf and the Courage Wolf. Mark has devoted an entire book for leaders to manage their Fear Wolf while they feed the Courage Wolf.

Hear how:

  • The Courage and Fear Wolf are based off of a Native American analogy
  • Every plateau of development has its own value and its own shadow qualities that it brings with it.
  • Your own shadow might be invisible to you, but others can see it clearly

Listen to this episode to learn how “Staring down the wolf” is about confronting the inner limitations that you have that are holding you back

As you all know Mark is a big fan of Neurohacker overall and uses their products.  They just launched the newest product called Eternus. They spent years of research with some of the best scientists they have created a formula to combat aging where it all begins; at the cellular level. It’s a 38 ingredient formula containing the most researched and premium ingredients on earth for supporting cellular health, which is the key to combating the symptoms of aging.

They are so excited about this product and are offering 50% off the first month, cancel anytime subscription. To increase this saving use the code: UNBEATABLE for an additional 15% off.

Dr. Parsley’s sleep remedy was designed to help Navy SEALs to overcome some of the sleep challenges that they have as hard-charging individuals. Doc Parsley believes that proper sleep and recovery is absolutely essential to maintain our ability to perform at a high level. His sleep “cocktail” includes a number of supplements to provide our bodies with chemicals naturally produced by the brain to encourage sleep. Commander Divine is a huge fan and encourages members his tribe to try it out for themselves. Enter “unbeatablemind” at the checkout on  to get 10% off.

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Join the discussion 3 Comments

  • Luke says:

    Extremely underrated content. Thank you, thank you, thank you for doing what you are doing and providing materials for those of us willing to work on ourselves! Know that you are changing lives and helping families every single day. I share your material with anyone who I think will listen.

  • Andrew says:

    Have used Mr. Divine’s strategies and tools for the past few months, and have found that when applied as directed: can have incredible results.

    Really grateful for the hard work he has put into these projects/books and am a big fan of his life lessons.

    Thank you

  • Roy says:

    The quiet professional has stepped out of silence to become teacher in a dutiful humble manner.

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