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Unbeatable™ Podcast

How to Break Free – with Bizzie Gold

By November 7, 2019 November 16th, 2019 No Comments

“Your brain then decides this is a rule. And it thinks it’s trying to keep you safe. And really all it’s doing is trying to prevent yourself from getting into the pain or into the suffering.” – Bizzie Gold

Bizzie Gold (bizziegold) is a leader in the personal development and wellness field. Her past clients include Julia Roberts and Jennifer Love Hewitt, among others. She’s also the founder and developer of Buti Yoga, which focuses on making yoga about both movement and self-development. From the Spartan World Championships in Lake Tahoe, Commander Divine talks to her about her BREAK method of psychotherapy and her Buti Yoga practice and business.

Listen now to discover how to understand your past and make it work for you

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Welcome back to the Unbeatable Mind podcast. My name is Mark Divine. So stoked to have you here today. Thanks so much for being here. I do not take it lightly. You have a billion things vying for your attention and the fact that you’re just listening or watching this is pretty extraordinary. So, thank you.

I have a really unique guest here. I’m super-stoked to talk to Bizzie Gold from Scottsdale, Arizona. Creator of the BREAK method. Bizzie and I have a lot in common because we’ve been spending a lot of time in the past few years examining emotional shadow, childhood trauma, how it shows up in our life and drives our reactionary conditioning. And torpedoes our efforts to succeed or to achieve the greatness that we deserve. Or even just peace of mind.

And I think this is one of the most important issues facing any leader, anyone trying to build a team, anyone trying to be a good parent. And it’s just not talked about at all by most people, right Bizzie? I mean, I’m so excited that you’re out here talking about this.

Bizzie. Is really not talked about and I think… I did talk to Dr. Lara Pence about it this morning, who’s one of the podcasters for Spartan Up!

Mark yeah and she’s one of our own Unbeatable Mind coaches…

Bizzie. She’s fantastic. Adore her. And we talked a lot this morning about how the mental health industry right now is in a phase of disorientation and disorganization. And kind of these old paradigms are starting to fall away. And there are new emerging techniques and I think areas of attention that are coming into prominence.

Like, really, truly examining this early childhood patterning. Cause I think so many times as we age, we experience later traumas like teens, ’20s.

And if we look at people with military background, right? There are people that come out of combat and it’s very easy to say “I’m this way and my symptoms are this way because of this event.”

When almost in every single… It may not be. And I would actually love to have a conversation with you, because I have a pretty specific viewpoint on PTSD, but about this particular aspect. I think a lot of people that do come out of combat with the experience of PTSD, and the label of PTSD… I think that they had to have some sort of previous childhood patterning that predisposed them to label the situation that way.

When other people on their combat team might not have experienced the very same event the same way. And walked away with the same symptoms.

Mark. Yeah, I agree with you. I think there is a lot of pre-disposal. There is a lot of people drawn to the military, tend to have pretty rough childhoods, so it’s pretty fair to say most people in the military – and this is a blanket statement, so don’t hold me to it a 100% – but most people have some sort of trauma.

I did. I had a very kind of abusive family and fortunately, because of the way I grew up and kind of my pushback against that. And then getting into athletics, and doing sports, and then martial arts, and then breathwork, and then Zen meditation… All before I joined the military. Gave me the pre-resiliency that it didn’t affect me at all.

But to support this, one of our good friends who was on the board and my Courage Foundation is guy named Josh Mantz – now Josh was killed in combat, and he flatlined for 15 minutes, before they revived him.

And he went through a long period of post-traumatic stress. And through that process, he acknowledged and found that his issues were not combat. It’s exactly what you’re talking about Bizzie… They were early childhood trauma, shadow, emotional stuff that he brought into the military with him. And so one of his messages is that post-traumatic stress, combat stress, really brings forth and exposes these wounds.

But then amplifies them in a big way.

Bizzie. Absolutely. It’s almost a secondary experience. It has to – at least in the work that I do – it has to somehow mimic or mirror or reconfirm the previous rule that you learned in childhood.

Mark. It re-wounds it in a more profound way.

Bizzie. Exactly.

Mark. Fascinating. How did you get into all this? Like where did this start for you?

Probably your own or childhood trauma, I imagine.

Bizzie. So I do think that that had some aspects that are involved I think.

So my background, actually, I’ve been a yoga teacher for a long time. And I’m the founder of something called Buti yoga – and we have one of the largest yoga teacher training programs in the country.

So for years I had been traveling lecturing about energetic anatomy, and through that kind of this emerging concept of shakra diagnostics would come about. And I always had a very differing perspective than the yoga sutras and the way the texts were traditionally laid out. And I tended to look it at it from more of a socio-emotional perspective. And still bring in the energetic anatomy elements, but try to look at it more holistically…

Mark. Let me pause there. That makes a lot of sense to me, because the ancient yoga in the way that Patanjali presented it was really from the individual, subjective sphere. There was no socio or structural way that they looked at yoga. It was all an individual pursuit.

And yet when yoga was ported over to the west, it was ported over as a social pursuit.

Bizzie. Yes.

Mark. And so, that’s brilliant.

Bizzie. Not too many people know that.

Mark. Yeah, true.

Bizzie. Very true. So I think it does and I’m certainly not ever ego-minded enough to say that I’m the only one that has pieced this together. There are many people that have pieced this together. But the process by which I pieced it together was very organic for me, in working with people and using my own consciousness to arrive from one step to the next.

So it wasn’t ever going externally in seeking outside information. It was working with the students that were right in front of me. Lecturing from almost that more like pure consciousness state, where after I would start lecturing about some of these concepts that I didn’t know from learning it in a book – all of a sudden people would come back to me and they’re like “do you even know what you said?”

And then people started to record them…

Mark. That’s kind of the way I work too.

Bizzie. Well and I think that’s where real true transmission… That’s where real truth comes through.

Mark. But did you…? Have you had therapy yourself? Have you had to unwind any of your own trauma?

Bizzie. I’ve certainly had a good amount of personal trauma. And the interesting thing for me is when I look back my parents always had me in therapy…

Mark. Oh, wow. Pretty progressive.

Bizzie. They always had me in therapy, but I think what I remember most about it was going there, and I remember analyzing the therapist. And thinking, “Why are my parents paying you? You don’t know what you’re talking about?”

And I remember sitting there just immediately thinking that they were a fraud. And I could pretty much get away with anything, and just sit there and play games. Because all they really wanted to do with that child age, was play games and then see if they could kind of poke and prod me with certain questions. And I remember at a young age intellectually knowing that I could manipulate them in any way that I wanted. And not have to do any of the work that they were trying to get me to do.

So I don’t think I personally got anything out of it at the time. But I think one of the things that did affect me the most was starting from age 9 to about age 20, I had panic attacks all day long, every day. I would do different things to compartmentalize them or hide them and try to make it look like I was still very high-functioning.

And that would work some of the time. But I think what it affected the most for me personally was I knew that I had so much inside of me, where I could be a really high achiever. And I always did really well in school.

But when I would think about how hard I had to work to try to hide my panic attacks and how much it affected my thought process about travel or…

Mark. Do you have any sense for what the cause was, or root of these panic attacks was…?

Bizzie. So it’s interesting. If I look back and I’ve done obviously some reflective work on this. Right before I had my first panic attack my dad – who had already been a hypochondriac anyways, and already had an incredibly bad temper and was just the kind of person where things would be fine, and then if something happened to him all of a sudden all of us were simultaneously put into a state of chaos.

But no one would know why. Because it would have to do with whatever was going on in his head. And then it would affect all of us.

So I was already in that state that I would call “walking on eggshells” my whole childhood. And then one day he came to me and he said “you know so and so that was just here last week for dinner?” I don’t even remember their name. For whatever reason those tiny details don’t stick with me…

“You know their son…” who was exactly my age at the time, “he raised his hand, told his teacher he had to go to the nurse because he had a headache. And he just dropped dead of an aneurysm.”

And that was the only conversation we had about it. I didn’t inquire any more, he never really brought it up again, but I realize if you think about how there was no spiritual context in my life. There was no talk about life or death.

My mom would read the same book to me over and over again before bed. It was about bedtime routines. And there would always be a page with the little girl that was praying before bed, and she would skip the page.

Mark. Interesting.

Bizzie. And one day I would say “why do you always skip that page?”

And she said “because god doesn’t exist.”

But you know you look back and my mom definitely dealt with religious abuse in a Jehovah’s Witness family. So it makes sense that for her she would go the opposite direction. And be like, “that’s not real. I don’t want to impose that on you.”

But at the same time, in trying not to impose that on me…

Mark. She imposed something on you…

Bizzie. She imposed something on me. And I think people again… They look for big, loud issues, right? They look for a divorce, or someone dying, or someone getting sick.

But it’s often these little repetitive things that keep reinforcing this message where your brain then decides that this is a rule, right? And it thinks it’s trying to keep you safe. And really all it’s doing is trying to prevent you from getting yourself into the pain or into the suffering.

Mark. Which is where the healing is by the way.

Bizzie. 100%. You and I are on the same page. I agree.



Bizzie. I always tell people in my work, that once you get past the first couple of weeks you’re actually going to start to get excited when you get triggered.

Mark. Yeah, because you’re exposing a new pattern or a new way that an old pattern is triggered. And then you can objectify it, and begin to work on it. That’s cool.

Bizzie. Yes. So when you look at the whole picture – instead of just thinking about my dad telling me this about the kid dying – it was watching him constantly be a hypochondriac, and always be dying of something, right?

And then this completely blanket statement “god doesn’t exist.” and then I would have all my friends talking about religion, but to me there was no open conversation about spirituality, or energy, or what happens when people die.

And then for my dad just give me this blanket statement – “this little kid thought he had a headache. Next thing you knew he died.”

And then that was that. My brain jumped to a conclusion, if that kid had a headache, and he just died – and I don’t know what happens when you die – this means that if I got a headache I could die. And from that point forward I basically took on all of my dad’s hypochondriac behaviors. And decided that any little ache or pain that I felt could mean death.

And that death was the scariest thing I could possibly think of, because it was undefined. Mark. Wow. So that led to the anxiety and the panic attacks.

Bizzie. Yes. Which then… And it’s so funny to look back at it now…

Mark. It’s all psychosomatic, you know? It’s all self-induced.

Bizzie. 100%. And all of the things that if I go back to different moments in time would have like my whole reality was just smaller and smaller and smaller. What I would be capable of doing with my life seemed incredibly limited. Because I wouldn’t… How would I be able to hide this from my boss? How would I be able to travel for work? Because it would get worse on airplanes.

Because what it turned into was always calculating how close I was to a hospital. So that in case I was going to die I was close to a hospital. So it had an OCD component to it, as well.

Mark. Wow. This go on into your 20s?

Bizzie. It stopped when I was 20.

Mark. When you were 20? And what was the catalyst for it to stop?

Bizzie. I think there were a variety of catalysts, but I think one of them for me was doing deeper spiritual work, to understand that there – without getting too spiritual – I had to do the work to understand my definition of energy, and life and death. And the importance of having a human experience. And what humanity means in a greater context.

So once I was able to do that…

Mark. And so – I’m curious – to have that experience or that exposure at 20 is uncommon. So how did you find that? Did you find a teacher, or did you find a yoga program, or a church group? Or what was it that brought you that?

Bizzie. Well it’s kind of a wild chain of events. I’ll give you the quick synopsis…

And I’m a firm believer that you know when you track back to certain things – in the moment, little things that course correct you that feel like the end of something that you’ve been trying to go after and achieve. When you look back you can see exactly how it pivoted you into the exact right place at the right time.

Mark. Opening of a door, which also… Looked at the other side – is the end or the closing of something.

Bizzie. 100%. So at this time… Like I said, I was always a high achiever despite having to kind of compartmentalize or hide my panic attacks. So I was a high level competitive skier, went to a boarding school for competitive skiing, was on the US ski team and was really pursuing…

Mark. Did you train in lake placid at all?

Bizzie. Never in lake placid, but lots in park city.

Mark. Was my summer home…

Bizzie. Yes, so I mean, it is beautiful. I have been there before.

I started off racing for Okemo in Vermont. I was an east coast girl. So similar weather to lake placid. Freezing and icy.

Mark. Yeah. Very cold and icy and steep.

Bizzie. Yes, very.

Mark. So if you can ski there, you can ski anywhere. You must be good.

Bizzie. It’s true. And so at the time I was doing alpine. Moved to Colorado to go live with my ski coaches, because my parents didn’t want to drive me to Vermont every weekend from Connecticut – which is understandable. And I’d been really pursuing my ski career for such a long time. And when I was nineteen I blew out both my ACLs, and my right meniscus.

At this point in my career, I had switched to freestyle – which happened when I was 17 – and I think… You know how it is… When you’re a high level athlete and you’re used to training and pushing yourself. And I’d already been a competitive gymnast as well, it was a really easy pivot for me into freestyle.

So when I did that, I started performing at a high level pretty quickly. Got a scholarship to university of Colorado in boulder, and was skiing there. But almost at the beginning of the ski season, blew out both my ACLs and my right meniscus…

Mark. That’s like the end of the world, right?

Bizzie. It felt like the end of the world for me. Because my whole true north was being an Olympic skier. It was like all I had ever really thought about for a long time. I would play with other careers – like I was into film and I wanted to study broadcast journalism. Little things like that that were kind of on the sidelines.

But this was the constant. So that obviously no longer seemed like an option for me. And at the time, I had already had… When I was 15, I was sitting on my desk one day in high school, and I noticed a lump behind my ear. And found out that I had a tumor…

Mark. Good lord. Stacking up the disasters here.

Bizzie. Yeah, they keep going for a while. But I’m disaster-free, right now. Hopefully that much.

So I ended up having this tumor that wrapped around my optic nerve. It took me out for a while.

Mark. That was three years before you blew out your knees?

Bizzie. Exactly. Three years before it blew out my knees. And I came back from that.

But the surgeries that were required in that made me petrified of surgery. So I’m trying to give you context for why when I blew up both my ACLs, to me there was not a chance in hell I was getting surgery on my ACLs. I was gonna look for any alternative therapy protocol to rehab them. Even if that meant I never was able to ski again. To avoid surgery.

Because I had had so many in such a short period of time. And I know everyone’s body is different. I swear on everything that I know to be true in this life, after having anesthesia it really effected my body for a long time.

And it felt like ice was running through my veins for over a year. I felt like a constant chill and it just literally felt like I was cold from the inside out. And it was just something I never wanted to allow myself to experience again, if I could avoid it.

So I searched for all these alternative methodologies. Met medicine people. Did all kinds of like electro-stim and needling and things like this.

And then finally one person was like “why don’t you try yoga?”

It’s like “alright, I’ll go try yoga.”

I went to one yoga class and I had a really profound experience in shavasana at the end. Where I had never attempted to meditate before. And I just remember going so deep, so quickly that when I was hearing the instructor try to get us out, I actually felt the panic rise up in me. Where I felt like I was trapped, and it felt like I was so many floors below her voice that I couldn’t figure out how to navigate myself there.

But I also felt an incredible sense of peace. So I remember trying to figure out how to mentally navigate myself to her voice. Eventually came out and when I rolled over on my side she came over and she was like “your yoga practice is beautiful.” and she was like “I just have to say that I got this really amazing vision that you’re gonna be a really famous yoga instructor. How long have you been practicing?”

And I was like “this is my first class.”

And she was like “here?”

I was like “it’s my actual first class.”

And she was like “wow.” and her name was Misty. She put her hands on my forehead and she was like “wow.” she was like “I saw that really strong.”

And I was like “okay.”

So I left the class and I was like “I might be into this.” because I had the competitive spirit in me, so to have someone in my first class be like “your yoga practice is beautiful,” it boosted my 19-year-old ego. Which was broken and damaged from having dealt with my knees.

And the series of events that happened immediately following this were 100% divine intervention. Was walking down Pearl Street – I don’t know if you’ve ever been to boulder – you been to Boulder?

Mark. No I’ve not.

Bizzie. Okay, so Pearl Street’s just like one of those walking malls. Where there’s like stores and hippy cafes and everything. And street performers and things.

So I’m like walking down the street and all of a sudden this older woman – that’s probably like late 70s, early 80s – starts running after me.

And at first I was like “is she gonna knock me over?”

Comes right up to me, stops, and she looks at me and she was like “I have a message for you.”

And I was like “what?” because you have to remember at this point, any chance I had it being spiritually open was just kind of like squashed. You know, technically I was raised Jewish, but it wasn’t anything that had a spiritual component to it. It was like going to high holidays and socializing with people.

So when she came to me and said “I have a message for you.” And this was literally right after this yoga experience. “You’re gonna become the most famous student of Dolores Cannon.”

And I was like “I don’t know who Dolores Cannon is.” and at this point I’m like “is somebody playing a practical joke on me? This is insane.”

Mark. Yeah, you’re on candid camera.

Bizzie. Yeah and I was like “I don’t know who Dolores Cannon is. And she was like “she’s a past life regression therapist.” and she was like “there’s a bookstore right there called ‘the white house.’ go get one of her books.”

And I was like “this lady’s just trying to market her books to me. This is insane.” because I was a skeptic for sure.

Mark. Past-life regression therapist…

Bizzie. Past-life regression therapy. So at the same time this woman she definitively ran from far away to get me. And this was an older woman. Like, she had a mission to talk to me. So I was like “all right.”

So I go into my first metaphysical bookstore. I’ve never been in one my whole life. I walk in there it smells like incense. There’s tapestries everywhere. I’m like “whoa. This is a totally different world.”

I ask for Dolores cannons books, and I see like this whole section of books. And immediately I see one called “The Convoluted Universe.” and I was like “sounds about right to me.”

Grab it, go home and start reading it.

Mark. Is that her book, or…?

Bizzie. It’s one of her books, yeah.

And at this point I had always disliked reading. It just… I would find everything pretty much just incredibly boring, except the Madeleine L’Engle series with “A Wrinkle in Time.” Like, if it had some sort of metaphysical or like broader magical element to it, I could keep myself interested.

But in general I had trouble staying interested in books. So this book was probably a thousand pages. Tore through it.

Then went back “I need another one. Need another one.” and it was the first time that I felt like my brain was ignited and excited to keep consuming information.

And unlike before where my gut check would immediately be like “there’s something not right about this person. Don’t trust this.” just like that inner guidance. Most of the things that I was reading I was like “yes, yes, yes. This is crazy. This is like the most incredible ‘yes’ I’ve ever felt in my life.”

So I kept reading and then I go on her website cause I’m all excited. I’m like “yes, I’m gonna be one of her students. This is gonna be the best thing ever.”

And she doesn’t teach her methodology. And I was like, ”this is horrifying.”

And it’s probably at this point like 1999 or 2000…

Mark. You mean she doesn’t have any training?

Bizzie. At this point she wasn’t teaching it yet. So I get on her email list – and this is back in the day when you’re like pumped up about being on someone’s email list. Where you’re like checking because you’re like “you’re gonna send me something?”

I’m constantly checking my email inbox. Finally get something… “Dolores is teaching her first, level one, QHHT program in Fayetteville, Arkansas. Here’s the application process. We’re only accepting ten applicants.”

So again, we have to remember that there’s still this kind of like cocky, skeptical, nineteen-year-old aspect of me at this point. So in the application process, instead of answering all the questions, at this point I had read enough of her books to know that in a lot of her sessions there’s a group of entities that she ends up speaking to very frequently that they refer to themselves as the council – and I knew from this point that they help her in decision making. Like they’ll know if somebody’s right or not.

Mark. So her council, or her client’s counsel…

Bizzie. They refer to themselves as the council. It’s essentially – do you know…? I’m sure you do… Know about the Akashic records.

Mark. Yes.

Bizzie. They consider themselves to be basically the keepers of the Akashic records. They’re Arcturion in nature… If you kind of go down that path.

So this counsel helps her make a lot of her decisions about things. I know this from reading her books.

So in my cocky, 19-year-old application, I write about this experience with this woman finding me on the street, telling me I was me one of her most famous students. And I was like, “and we all know that the council’s gonna make decision anyways.”

So didn’t even fill out the application, because part of me wanted to test it. Like “if this is meant to be, I can do the steps incorrectly, and I was still get this.”

So lo and behold, I get in. Go to Fayetteville. Do the thing and I’m one of ten students.

And at least in my perspective, everyone else was significantly older than me. And they were all like psychics and energy healers.

And I’m just a 19-year-old that almost doesn’t even believe in spirituality. Like my spiritual concepts to this point are like hanging on by a thread. But I go in there and one of the things I’m most gifted at is I am a fast learner. So I absorb everything she’s teaching and I leave there thinking “I don’t know why me. But I know that at some point it will present itself.”

And at the end of the course my birthday is coming up. And I had been waiting to try to get a session with her, and it was really hard even at this time to get a session with her.

So I’m finally about to have my session. I’m in my hotel room in some terrible motel in Fayetteville, Arkansas…

Mark. This is like a phone call session?

Bizzie. No, she was physically there. That’s where she was living. So I was all ready for my session.

And that morning I woke up and I’ve never lost my voice another day in my life. No voice. Nothing.

And I’m sitting there crying and I’m trying to write her a letter. And a lot of times in her sessions when she’s in that part where instead of walking people through past life she’s directly communicating with their subconscious. Which you know from this whole conversation about transmission… I believe that almost every single one of us – if your diet’s right and you do the work to truly know what are your thoughts and what are not your thoughts – you can tap into this kind of direct line of transmission.

So in that process she often is able to get messages about who’s coming next or what to pay attention for.

So as I’m writing my note, she in her previous session got from the council exactly what to tell me about why I wasn’t supposed to have my session. So she’s walking toward my hotel room while I’m writing this message crying, because I’m heartbroken I don’t get to have the session. Because in my mind it’s like you know all my dreams are dashed it’s not meant to be.

And she walks in and she looks me and she was like “I know.” and I was like trying to point to things and she was like “I know. You’re not supposed to have your session. Sit down.”

And I sat there and she was like…

Mark. What’s involved in this session? Is this a past life regression session?

Bizzie. Yes, it’s hypnotherapy. Essentially what the protocol is… The goal is to get you more connected with your internal visualization than actually perceiving external stimulus, right? So how that process is done, she gives you a variety of different protocols to use. And obviously, you know, there’s some people it takes longer. Some people it’s not possible.

The irony is that the people that want it the most, are the hardest to put under.

Mark. Interesting.

Bizzie. Because they’re excited mindset. Too much attachment. And they’re too excited and don’t actually allow themselves to surrender.

Versus the people that don’t believe… They’re like “yeah, try me.” they’re the easiest to go under every time. Because they don’t believe it’s possible. So their protective mechanisms aren’t even up, because they think that you’re a fraud. They’re the easiest ones to get under.

So the timing is different for everybody, but once you’re under the goal is to direct your subconscious to lead you to three past lives that are relevant to whatever problems you’re reporting in that session.

And there’s some interesting concepts here where – especially in my work – I believe that a lot of our experiences are imprinted and that doesn’t actually mean that we experience those past lives in our soul essence. And I think a lot of it is actually – and it coincides with what I’m about to tell you about Dolores anyways – but in this process you only try to go to three relevant past lives. So it’s not just kind of like shooting in the dark. Whatever issues they came there trying to sort through, you ask their subconscious to specifically direct them to moments in time that are imprinted in their subconscious, that are affecting them in this present lifetime.

Mark. Okay. But three past lives that they… That their spirit or soul had lived.

Bizzie. Yeah, or at least is imprinted with at this moment in time. So that it’s essentially like their brain is still pulling contextual information from that life, even if it’s not necessarily a life that they lived. It still can be impacting how they’re perceiving the environment around them.

Mark. That’s an interesting concept. Yeah, I’d have to think through that a little bit.

Bizzie. And then at the end, before their session they come to you with a list of questions that they want you to ask their subconscious. These can be questions about their life’s purpose, about relationships… But it can even be things like “where did I lose my sunglasses?”

Because often the subconscious is aware of feeling the pressure. Like, let’s say your sunglasses fell off your back pocket. Even if you’re not consciously aware of your sunglasses dropping off of your back pocket, your subconscious might be aware of the pressure leaving, and exactly the moment when you lost them.

So often we know things about ourselves that we don’t consciously know. You know this with implicit and explicit memory.

So at the end you go through this phase of questioning the subconscious. And this is often when those messages will come through from what she refers to as “the council.” so when she came to me, she said very specifically “the council wants you to know that you’re already exactly on the path that you’re supposed to be on. And because you’re so cocky and stubborn, knowing anything else might actually derail you. Because you like to try to test your life’s mission.”

Which made me laugh, because it’s exactly what I had done up to this point. Like “yeah, I’m not gonna fill out the application. If it’s meant to be, it’s meant to be.”

And she said that very specifically. They said that having too much information would actually derail me from the mission that I was on. And they said that what they needed me to know is that I’m actually on the council. And that I came here to carry Dolores’s work forward to a place that it’s never been carried

Mark. (laughing) That’s so cool. So she told you that at that session?

Bizzie. Yeah. And my whole life I had been seeing 10-19. You know, like people would be like “eleven/eleven.” whatever the time is on the clock. I’ve never been somebody that’s really drawn to numbers. But I would see this over and over again my whole life.

And I remember one day in 2016 I started thinking about it… And I went to bed thinking “I just want to know once and for all, why 10-19? It’s such an odd number combination.”

And I woke up in the morning thinking “I wonder if Dolores died?”

And sure enough, she died on October 19th. And what had been relayed to me was that I was going to be taking her work forward to a place that was unexpected and a place that she would never have actually dreamed of her work going. And that is how I understood what I had been doing with BREAK method – was essentially using the container that she created…

Mark. Was the BREAK method started before she passed away?

Bizzie. BREAK method I started in 2014. So yeah, I didn’t realize that she’d passed away because I hadn’t been like a huge part of her life for the later years.

Mark. What year did she pass away?

Bizzie. I believe 2016. I think 2016 or 2015. But October 19th.

So during these years I had been you know transmitting this course content that kept becoming more and more defined. It might have started as one lecture and then every time I would answer a set of questions, or I would see the same sort of patterns pop up in my students, I would document it.

And the next thing you know, I had 80 hours of lecture content, and a course that was very well sequenced and not coming from me.

Mark. That’s cool. Yeah.

Bizzie. And I understand now how this process of activating and accessing the subconscious is exactly what we do in BREAK method, without the need to have somebody sit there and put you under. While also addressing a variety of other things that I think come from other sort of transmissions.

But that’s essentially how BREAK method came to be. It’s been a process of essentially transmitting through lecture to a point where I was able to trust myself and develop it as a skill. Instead of before, I would do that kind of dance with it, where it’s like, “but I didn’t learn this. Is it true? Should I keep doing this? Is this something that’s safe?”

And after doing it for enough years and seeing thousands of students that I had come through my course have pretty serious results – I started to trust it. And the more I trusted it and took it seriously as a skill, the stronger the skill got.

Mark. Right.



Mark. So is it connected at all to yoga? Your yoga program…? Is there an overlap?

Bizzie. So the yoga program is something that expanded really rapidly. We have 6000 instructors. It’s taught in 27 countries and actually just recently sold the majority share of the company, so that I can focus on BREAK method.

So I’m still involved in the direction of the company, things like that, but I focus all my efforts on BREAK method and do a lot of lecturing about…

Mark. But the yoga is more of a traditional yoga program?

Bizzie. The yoga is a really dynamic, modern, program that infuses primal movement and what we call spiral structure technique. So because you do have a deep understanding of true yoga – what people in the west view as yoga, with the large muscle poses like warrior series and things like that – that’s actually not traditional yoga at all. It’s very western yoga.

Traditional yoga with all the kriyas and the deep abdominal contractions – so that actually mimics a lot more what we do in Buti. But I think, in the west, people see what we do and they’re like “that’s not really yoga.”

And it is incredibly real, tangible, yoga but we work more with this working the spiral, activating and balancing the chakras, and bringing in those primal movements that might not have the linear structure – like a warrior series – but certainly fulfill all the requirements to make a yoga practice, yoga.

Mark. Oh, that’s really cool. I’d like to learn more about that.

We have a yoga program that I developed too, called Kokoro yoga. Kokoro means heart mind integration and it’s an integration of traditional asana, but very simple poses… I share your view… That most of what we do is on spinal work, healing, integrating, lengthening the spine – but also integrating the breath, so that every movement there’s great awareness of how the breath is moving the spine, and moving the mind, and moving the emotions.

And so we work with asana, we work with functional fitness movements, and we work with martial movements. So every session is very, very specific… The whole idea is to bring yoga back to a personal practice. Personalized by the time of the day, the time of the year, the body type, the injuries – seasonality, whatnot… One size does not fit all, one pose does not fit all.

So I’ve been very inspired by my martial arts and yoga practice. I started that training maybe when I was about 20. Right when you were getting into your thing.

Ours is… We’ve only run three teacher trainings and we’re not sure we’re gonna continue them in this form, because I don’t really have the time. And there’s a lot of yoga out there.

And so we look at it more as the personal practice of our Unbeatable Mind program.

Bizzie. Well, I definitely look forward to checking it out.

Mark. Yeah, that’d be fun to share notes.

So how do you transmit it now? Do you have online courses? Do you run seminars?

Bizzie. It’s a four month online course. At this point, it’s about 80 hours of lecture content. So some of its interactive lecture, some of its pre-recorded lecture. It also includes small group sessions which are broken down to groups of twenty five.

Mark. And you do that digitally?

Bizzie. Yep, everything is online. And then it does include a 2-day live event that’s optional if you want to come work with us in person. I find that for some people those last little bows on all the work that they’ve done, it really helps.

But I do think we do an exceptional job for having a exclusively online program. For really getting to the core of who a person is and making sure that we have the safeguards in there to not what a person lie to themselves or to us.

Mark. Is it a progressive course? You have to do this, and then prove that you did that to move on in the next module, type of thing?

Bizzie. No, it’s not so much… Because the whole thing is very much facilitated. So in the small groups, you’ll know very quickly if your work is accurate.

Mark. So you go into a cohort kind of thing? So it has a start and an end. You don’t go through it alone.

Bizzie. Yeah, it’s not an evergreen program. Everybody goes through it together in a timed sequence.

Mark. Oh, that’s pretty cool.

Bizzie. We find that it has to be done that way. Because also one of the things that I found is you learn so much more about yourself in actually watching your fellow peers go through the same structure. Because your protective mechanisms aren’t up for their stories. And if you have the right tools to actually sift through the information and look at the cause and effect relationships, you can notice resonant experiences with other people. Even if the names of the people are different.

And because your protective mechanisms aren’t up – because it’s not your story – all of a sudden you can claim it and be like “oh my god. I do that.”

So we make sure that everyone stays present and vulnerable for everyone else’s experience as well. Because we also want this to be a skill that you can learn and take with you. That’s – to me – what makes it sustainable and we call it “the school of sustainable self-mastery.”

Number one, as a joke, because I don’t believe that self-mastery exists, because self-mastery is something that requires you to…

Mark. It’s elusive. It’s just a journey. There’s no there there.

Bizzie. So it’s not that I think you can actually arrive at that. But it’s a sustainable process by which you’re able to take this skillset and use it for the rest of your life. Once you heal one aspect, as you move into the other aspects of your life, other things will prevent present themselves. You will get thrown curveballs, and this will teach you how to react to the curveballs in a way that’s not autopilot pattern from childhood, but now a way that you’re actually choosing that’s in line with where you want to go in your life.

Mark. Yeah, I love that.

Bizzie. And I do also do two-day intensives, and actually coming up in a week and a half, I’m doing a two-day intensive in a woman’s prison in Vermont.

Mark. Really cool.

Bizzie. Yeah, so I’m excited about being able to apply this to the prison population, and also to vets is the other population.

Mark. That’s cool. I mean, that’s interesting you say that… There’s so much parallel here. I started a foundation 3 or 4 years ago called the Courage Foundation. And my first population I worked with were prisoners. And I went into a prison in Norwalk, Connecticut…

Bizzie. That’s… Yeah, I grew up in Connecticut.

Mark. It was pretty intense. I met with a bunch of lifers, and we had a great discussion. I donated 2500 books of mine.

What I found is… I seeded the foundation, but we needed to raise money. No one wanted to give us money to work with prisoners. It was sad.

We were also working with vets, and so we pivoted and just said “okay, we’re an organization that works with vets who are suffering – that are suicidal – suffering from post-traumatic stress.

But our real mission is to also work with prisoners and abused women. And bring them the tools of what we call Unbeatable Mind. Which are tools to become self-healing and self-evolutionary. To evolve to your highest potential as a human.

Prison population is really… Like, there’s a lot of good people in prison who just made a mistake. You know what I mean? And a lot of them have… I get letters all the time from people in prison who have done my fitness program, or done my yoga program, or read Unbeatable Mind.

And it’s humbling, you know? It’s like wow. Can you imagine being locked up for life? Because of one moment of rage or something like that?

And I’m not saying that there shouldn’t be some punishment or some sort of process for bringing it back in. But the way we do it is simply barbarian, you know what I mean?

Bizzie. I agree. And this particular group that I’m working with are coming up for parole. And had previously been victims of sex trafficking. So the program is meant to help them understand that their cognitive abilities at the time that they committed the crime…

Mark. Yeah, they were seriously compromised.

Bizzie. Compromised by their previous experience of sex trafficking. And hopefully to give them the language and understanding of the cause-and-effect relationship. So they can speak to that at their parole hearing, in a way that will actually resonate with the parole board.

Mark. Yeah, good luck with that process. If there’s any way we can be helpful, let me know.

Bizzie. Yeah, I’d love to find ways to collaborate with you.

And the other group that I really want to work with are foster teens. Because it’s a group where they’re right at that place where they can choose left or right and most of them choose left.

I think it’s a great community to work with, because I think children are already so resilient, and teens I think have an incredible ability to adapt and evolve quickly. If you get in there and you do it at the right time. And use the right language.

So it’s an environment that I really want to try to work with more as well.

Mark. That’s great. Love that.

So we got to wrap this up here. This is a question I’ve been asking a couple people today. We live in such a crazy negative world and it seems to be getting worse, right? Louder, more nasty.

What’s your vision for the future? And do you see us turning this around through work that you and I and Spartan and, you know, this thousand points of light are doing? Or is the tidal wave too big to push against and are we heading toward another human calamity?

Bizzie. I certainly do believe that we can change it. And one of my guiding principles personally is that’s what I came here on a mission to help the collective do. And while I think our experience externally with media and social media feels like it’s getting worse and worse, I also believe that simultaneously, more and more people are waking up. And that really the tipping point of those scales is actually much more in our favor than we’re led to believe it is if we only listen to mass media.

And I think our biggest issue is that – and this is gonna get kind of weird for a second – but I think that the powers that be that control the world that we live in want us divided and separated and at war with each other.

Mark. Cause it benefits them.

Bizzie. Yeah, absolutely. And until human beings can wake up to this knowledge, we will always be held hostage by this pervasive feeling of negativity and separation. That’s actually not real.

And you can’t actually sift through that until you do the work to know yourself and know what’s real and not real for yourself.

Mark. And then you become immune to it.

Bizzie. And then it’s more apparent, when you see it, you can acknowledge and you’re like “oh I see it.” like just when you feel a thought pop up in your head, and you’re like “that’s not me. This isn’t relevant. This isn’t logical. This doesn’t belong here.” like, “delete.” in my head I’ll actually delete thoughts.

You’ll start to see that out in your environment. But it’s like you don’t know until you know, so until you know that in yourself, and you have context, it’s like they’re seeing a false reality.

And the powers that be bank on people living in that false reality and essentially being hypnotized. So I think we have to help people find themselves internally. So that they can actually start to see the world for what it really is. And see these fake structures for what they are, so that we can properly dismantle them.

Mark. Yeah. And get enough people thinking, dreaming, visualizing and loving a positive future, then those structures will just fall apart.

Bizzie. I agree.

Mark. Cool. I agree with that vision, by the way. And so I appreciate you doing your part. Keep it up. I’ll cheer you on. Awesome.

I’d love to learn more and support you. And thanks for doing this podcast.

Bizzie. Oh, of course. I would love to collaborate with you on anything.

Mark. It was a lot of fun.

All right folks. Bizzie gold. Say goodbye. Oh, you’re saying goodbye to that camera, I’m saying goodbye to that camera. We’ll say goodbye to both.

Thanks so much for listening. This is an important podcast. Listen to it again. Trust me, there’s some secret coded information in here that Bizzie just left with us.

Bizzie. There just might be.

Mark. (laughing) I’m gonna listen to it again too. And that means you have a part to do. So do your part, work on yourself, be unbeatable. One day at a time, that’s what I mean by doing the work. Push back against the forces of darkness. Be the change you want to see in the world. Thank you for listening.


Divine out.

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