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Unbeatable™ Podcast

Best of 2019: Kelly Starrett

By December 26, 2019 No Comments

For Christmas week, we’ll be re-airing the best episodes of 2019. Today we present Mark’s interview with Kelly Starrett. In the new year, we’ll be starting with new episodes again. In the meantime, enjoy and have a Merry Christmas!

“What we’ve got to do is wake people up, and say ‘this is on you, and you can do it.’”
– Kelly Starrett

Kelly Starrett is a coach, physical trainer, author and speaker and is a co-founder of the website MobilityWOD. He’s worked with Olympic athletes, and was an Olympic competitor on the US canoeing and kayaking team. He has also been heavily involved in the Crossfit world. His book, “Becoming a Supple Leopard” is a bestseller and today he talks to Mark about the importance of just being mobile, whether it’s a regimen or just the way you live.

Learn how:

  • We weren’t designed to live the kind of sedentary life that we now have, so moving is important for everyone from elite athletes to office workers.
  • Set workouts are good, but having a mobile lifestyle for yourself is more beneficial.
  • Our bodies were designed to deal with some physical stress, and they start to deteriorate without any at all.

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