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CNBC MAKE IT. Jan 2018

By January 29, 2018 No Comments

6 ways to set goals that actually make you succeed

Goals are essential for success. But not all goals are created equal. Entrepreneurs and members of The Oracles share their top tips for setting goals that fast-track success in business and life.

1. Match the “why” with “what”

Stop listing goals that seem like a good idea. To transform your success trajectory (which leads to greater happiness and fulfillment), take considerable time to ensure that your goals are aligned with your ethos and connected to your mission.

“Ethos” is a Greek word describing the guiding beliefs or ideals that characterize a community. Since no goal is achieved solo, ensure that your goals align with the character traits you and your team aim to embody.

One of the ethos traits of U.S. Navy SEALs is to “be ready to lead, ready to follow, and never quit.” Therefore, one of my personal goals was to develop greater leadership capacity through ever-challenging positions and situations. I was supported by a team who each had the imperative to develop their leadership and followership skills. So, ask yourself: Does your ethos align with your goal? Do you even know your ethos?

Although your ethos defines the “why” behind what you do, the mission is “what” you intend to do. A SEAL’s mission is to continuously earn the right to wear the SEAL Trident, capable of defeating our enemies in the most demanding situations, whenever asked. It’s no surprise then, that my goal of developing leadership capacity as a SEAL got the right focus and energy, unlike many goals that tend to slip away.

If a goal aligns with your ethos and connects to your overall mission, the process of fulfilling it will be transformative. It will make you happier too, because you won’t quit! Mark Divine , retired U.S. Navy SEAL commander, founder ofSEALFIT, and NYT/WSJbestselling author; follow SEALFIT onYouTube,Facebook, orInstagram


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