Apply to be part of our elite team that has been custom-built to 
unleash your full 20X potential in business and life.

its time to SUPER CRAZY


with the tip of the spear mastermind group
Mark Divine
Navy SEAL Commander ret.
Founder Unbeatable Mind
I’ve spent the last three decades forging elite teams and leaders. 

First in the Navy SEALs, and then later with business owners, Fortune 500 companies, executives, Olympic athletes, entrepreneurs, major league sports teams, and more.  

Through much trial and error, I developed an incredibly unique and effective method for creating elite teams... teams that are built from the ground up to unlock your full 20x potential.

The Most Important Thing I’ve Learned
Over The Past Three Decades…

After 30 years of building and forging some of the best teams in the world, here’s the most important thing I’ve learned… 

If you’re going through life right now as a “lone wolf,” trying to achieve your most important goals by yourself, you will never realize your full 20x potential. 

This is true because human beings are hardwired to achieve our best results when we are part of a winning team. 

The Navy SEALs have this down to a science. 

One SEAL is formidable, but an elite team of 6-12 SEALs is almost unbeatable - capable of defeating enemy forces many times their size.

When you’re part of an elite team, you transcend your personal limitations, and you’ll do absolutely ANYTHING to make sure you don’t let your team down.    

We NEVER Leave A Teammate Behind! 

People who are part of elite teams will tell you that not letting the team down is 100 times more important than not letting themselves down. 

When you’re on an elite team, if a teammate falls down, the rest of the team picks them up and carries them! 

Elite-level teams in the military, business, and sports live by an all-important code... 

They NEVER leave a teammate behind! 

As you would expect, we live by this code in Unbeatable Team.     

The Ultimate Force Multiplier

Being part of an elite team is the “Ultimate Force Multiplier”... because the right team can help you achieve 20x more than you ever could on your own. 

When you’re on an elite team, it activates something deep inside. 

When you’re part of the right team, it unlocks a whole new level of DRIVE and DISCIPLINE that you never knew you had. 

And being on an elite team is the ONLY way to unlock this kind of leverage in your life! 

How To Dominate And Win In VUCA

Right now, all of us are facing a great deal of uncertainty in our lives. 

With the global pandemic, widespread economic uncertainty, worldwide political conflict, and exponential changes in technology like artificial intelligence… we’re dealing with unprecedented levels of chaos and instability!

In the SEALs, we call this VUCA - Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity.  

The SEALs are the best fighting force in the world because they train every day to dominate and win in the highest VUCA environments on earth. 

I’m sure you can feel it. Chaos and change are accelerating all over the world. 

And this trend is just getting started because technology and the changes it brings will continue to advance exponentially every year.

But here’s the problem… 

No human being is born with the ability to succeed through intense, prolonged periods of VUCA. 

To dominate and win in VUCA, you must train for it! 

This is why I’m excited to announce that we’re accepting applications right now to join our highest-level of training… Unbeatable Team.

Unbeatable Team

There are no physical qualifications required to join. However, this elite team is not for everyone. 

There’s an application process, and we are very selective about who we bring onto the team.  

If we invite you to join us, you’ll be surrounded by the most successful leaders and high-achieving individuals in our community. 

This elite group will help you break through all of your perceived limitations and achieve more than you ever imagined possible! 

Because Unbeatable Team is a small elite group you’ll get private one-on-one coaching from a master Unbeatable Coach access to our most exclusive events for business leaders.
You Will Also Get
  • Regular Boat Crew Team coaching and mastermind sessions
  • Private 1:1 coaching from your world-class Unbeatable Coach
  • ​Four private events every year, only for Unbeatable Team
  • ​VIP access to Unbeatable Mind and SEALFIT events
  • ​VIP access to all Unbeatable Mind and SEALFIT online training programs
  • ​And much more

Our Secret Weapon: Elite Accountability

In Tip Of The Spear, you’ll experience the enormous power of being accountable to an elite team.

You’ll be personally accountable to me, you’ll be accountable to your private coach, and most importantly, you’ll be accountable to your other team members. 

This elite level of accountability will be your secret weapon for dominating in VUCA and getting to the next level in every area of your life. 

All of us are hardwired to fight harder and achieve 20x more for our team than we ever could alone. 

You’ll experience this incredible leverage first-hand in Tip Of The Spear!

Unleash Your Full
20X Potential! 

If you are invited into Unbeatable Team, you’ll be part of an elite team that has been custom-built to unleash your full 20x potential in business and life.

As I mentioned, being on an elite team is the “Ultimate Force Multiplier”... it will unlock massive levels of DRIVE and DISCIPLINE that you never knew you had. 

When an elite team like this supports you, you can achieve 20x more than you ever could by yourself!

Because you’ll have direct access to your own private, world-class, Unbeatable Coach, and you’ll be joining our highest-level training group of accomplished professionals, there is a significant investment required.

If you’d like to get all the pricing details and you’d like to learn more about everything that you’ll get in Unbeatable Team, click the “learn more” button below and answer the questions on that page. 
I hope to see you soon in an Unbeatable Team!

Hear what our members have to say about Tip Of The Spear and Unbeatable Team.

Ben Sutherland

 Global VP of Sales

Heather Parillo

Certified Unbeatable Mind Coach

Angelos Metaxa

Former Investment Company Owner

Jim Brault 

CEO Unbeatable & SEALFIT 
Former Fortune 500 Chief Human Resources Officer 

Perry Argires, Neurosurgeon 
“Joining and committing to the Tip of the Spear program is one the best decisions I’ve ever made. Mark Divine and his team offer the best integrated program for growth on Planet Earth! What’s more important than to “know thyself”? My daily work in this program has kept me on the path to do just that. I love it!"

PL Bandy, Physician 
"About a year ago I had a perfect job setting. I was making six figures, had a beautiful condo and absolutely no passion or joy. I realized I needed massive change. The UM Mastermind is one of the best and hardest things I've ever done in my life."  
Heather Parrillo, Leadership Expert
What keeps emerging for me is, "home". There is nothing quite like the experience of finding a community of like-minded individuals that speak the same language and are committed to the same shared vision.
Michael Klein, Finance Banker
“What I took away from Kokoro was a sense of Courage that allowed me to excel my life at a rate beyond what I ever thought was imaginable. When the Unbeatable Mind Mastermind came up I thought this is the way where I can take that gift and maximize it...and it’s fulfilled everyone of those ambitions for me.” 
Copyright 2022 UNBEATABLE LLC. All rights reserved.